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« Last post by Austin on May 09, 2024, 10:26:23 AM »
Recebemos a mensagem de correio eletr?nico que nos enviou.
1. Qual ? o n?mero do modelo do rato branco que est? a utilizar no v?deo?
2. Qual ? a vers?o de firmware do S1 que est? a utilizar?
3. Tente restaurar o S1 para as predefini??es e observe se o fen?meno continua a ocorrer.
The game has a maximum speed limit, and S1 can't break through it.
ReaSnow S1 / Re: No Recoil
« Last post by Austin on May 09, 2024, 10:03:56 AM »
Which version of firmware are you using? Could you record a video to show us the trouble?
ReaSnow S1 / Re: firmware
« Last post by Austin on May 09, 2024, 10:02:18 AM »
Record a video to show us your trouble
please upload the video to YouTube or other file-sharing servers, and send us the URL.
ReaSnow S1 / Re: Need to adjust the center point of the joystick
« Last post by Austin on May 09, 2024, 10:00:46 AM »
In the video, I see you use a different PS5 controller than usual. Please change to the normal one, maybe that caused the issue.
If it continues, that might be a controller hardware failure, S1 can't fix that issue.
ReaSnow S1 / firmware
« Last post by jaavy on May 09, 2024, 07:31:02 AM »
It wont let me update the firmware i follow the instructions and nothing happens.
ReaSnow S1 / No Recoil
« Last post by uThunder7z on May 09, 2024, 03:12:23 AM »
Why do both No Recoil and No Recoil V2 fail when you move the sights, when the sights are still, the recoil is perfect, when I move the sights while shooting with the no recoil activated, my sights go down or up. When I flick I can't leave the crosshairs where they started, I wouldn't like to compare but currently the Xim Matrix's no recoil is perfect, it's as if it were something natural in the game, you use it without worrying about the crosshairs moving while you move, everyone who uses it S1 in Raimbow Six knows this, I don't know in other games
try to change the curve in the app in ads and hip, the curve will make you hit the max turning speed faster :)
ReaSnow S1 / How to make the mouse sensitivity in S1 greater than the maximum?
« Last post by Fletcher on May 08, 2024, 03:38:48 PM »
Hi all.

Problem with playing Fallout 3 on Xbox 360.
If in the game itself you set the mouse sensitivity to maximum, and in the Realsnow application you set the mouse sensitivity to maximum (50), then this is still not enough for a normal game. The character turns too slowly.

I tried to connect several different mouses to S1 that have a DPI switch button. But it did not help. Xbox360 ignores clicks on this button and uses only the base DPI value, which is not enough for the game character.

Please tell me, can I somehow set the mouse sensitivity to more than 50 in the Realsnow application?

Thanks a lot.
ReaSnow S1 / Re: After update S1 no longer works
« Last post by Fletcher on May 08, 2024, 03:32:22 PM »

Everything turned out to be quite simple.
The S1 did not work if I flashed it using an application on a PC in automatic update mode.
But if you download the file of the latest stable firmware manually, and specify it explicitly to the flasher, and make a full reset command after the firmware, then the S1 starts working again. That's what I did.
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