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ReaSnow Cross Hair / Re: Cross Hair detected as S1
« Last post by Austin on June 13, 2024, 09:57:33 AM »
So, after pressing the reset button while connecting to the PC it stays on a green light state and I was able to launch the Cross Hair ManagerV4.5.118 and after that it worked.
Note, when launching the Manager, wait for a minute, because the No Device Detected appears but after a while it changes to the right functionality.
Use the Cross Hair Manager V4.5.118 to flash correct firmware.
ReaSnow S1 / Re: Anti recoil subindo
« Last post by Austin on June 13, 2024, 09:55:04 AM »
Pode gravar um v?deo de compara??o para podermos observar a diferen?a entre os dois?
ReaSnow S1 / Re: what devices is the reasnow app available on?
« Last post by Austin on June 13, 2024, 09:53:32 AM »
Please describe the specific problems you encountered.
You can follow this topic to set up ReaSnow S1:
ReaSnow S1 / what devices is the reasnow app available on?
« Last post by baconflapjack on June 13, 2024, 07:53:04 AM »
I bought a reasnow s1 but unfortunately it seems like I don't have any devices that support the app. What devices support the app?
ReaSnow S1 / Re: Anti recoil subindo
« Last post by Andrelibras on June 13, 2024, 07:41:46 AM »
mas meus colegas que tem cronus zen n?o est?o com esse problema
ReaSnow Cross Hair / Re: Cross Hair detected as S1
« Last post by danisegarra on June 13, 2024, 04:44:05 AM »
So, after pressing the reset button while connecting to the PC it stays on a green light state and I was able to launch the Cross Hair ManagerV4.5.118 and after that it worked.
Note, when launching the Manager, wait for a minute, because the No Device Detected appears but after a while it changes to the right functionality.
ReaSnow Cross Hair / Re: Cross Hair detected as S1
« Last post by danisegarra on June 13, 2024, 04:18:52 AM »
I was able with the ReaSnow S1-FirmwareTool to set "Restore Default" drivers. But those are S1 5.6.13, so it won't fix nothing.
With the tool I can upload a .bin or a .rfw.
Is there anywhere where I can found the binaries of Cross Hair?
ReaSnow Cross Hair / Cross Hair detected as S1
« Last post by danisegarra on June 13, 2024, 03:54:02 AM »
I didn't use my Cross Hair for some years, but I wanted to use it today so I thinked that maybe there will be new drivers or something.
I download by mistake the software of the S1 and launch it.
And now, when I connect it to my PC it appears as ReaSnow S1 and if I launch the CrossHair Manager it says "No Cross Hair detected".
I tried to press the reset button but it doesn't work.
Any one can help me to revert the change or at least let me how can I configure the current one, becasue, of course, I can use the app with this device.
Best regards
ReaSnow S1 / Re: XDefiant PC Linear Curve Request
« Last post by aliveuser on June 13, 2024, 02:42:54 AM »
Yea, now back to the original question to developers only: is there anything , like hardcoded curve for example , in the predefined game profiles, that we cannot see and edit with the application ? And again, whats the difference in THE FINALS for xbox game profiles , that i cant point out in the Curve Editor ?
ReaSnow S1 / Re: XDefiant PC Linear Curve Request
« Last post by Ragnarok on June 12, 2024, 05:08:23 PM »
---''Could you please elaborate on the difference between the curves you were talking about here'' u asked about it?!
İf i knew how to program an emulater,basically it is what we use i would make my own.S1 emulates a controller.İ guess if u use different curves for your controlller,the controller behaves differently and u have to emulate it for each curve in the ''hardcode of the config''.And i guess again the curve editor in the app is limited to the hardcoded data...i would say the app curve editor is just adding multiplications to the movement.
S1 says with their marketing 1:1 movement so they make all they configs normally without calling them linear curve(linear curves description is 1:1 movement).Some games have more then 1 curve then there is a need for more configs....
But like i said idk...
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