Author Topic: Feature: 15 Awesome PS4, Vita Indie Games That We Haven't Had Time to Tell You A  (Read 7986 times)


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Feature: 15 Awesome PS4, Vita Indie Games That We Haven't Had Time to Tell You About Yet
Posted Sat 22nd Nov 2014 02:45 by Sammy Barker

Catch up
Not every indie game is amazing, but we very much appreciate the existence of the space. While this week has proven that blockbuster titles are not going anywhere – Grand Theft Auto V! Far Cry 4! LittleBigPlanet 3! Dragon Age: Inquisition! – we like to think of the smaller content as the palette cleansers that prepare you for your next big feast. The problem is that there are so many of them coming to the PlayStation 4 and Vita these days that we’re finding it difficult to keep up – especially with Sony dropping multiple announcements on the PlayStation Blog every single day.
We have a solution, however: why not fill your Friday with a big feature rounding up all of the titles that we’ve missed? There’s a bit of everything here; from violent volleyball all the way through to mariner moggies, hopefully you’ll find something that you like. Many of these titles will be on display at the PlayStation Experience event in Las Vegas next month, so we’ll definitely get a better look at all of them soon. And with many of our holiday reviews finally written, we promise to try and keep up in the future. Whether we’ll actually succeed, though, remains to be seen.

Aqua Kitty: Milk Mine Defender DX
Aqua Kitty Milk Mine Defender DX is an updated version of the PlayStation Mobile launch title by UK studio Tikipod, which takes the basic rules of Williams’ arcade classic Defender – and layers a story about felines overcoming their fear of water in order to mine milk on top. This enhanced edition includes new difficulties, mechanics, and modes. Meow!
PS4, Vita | 25th November [NA], 26th November [EU]

Capsule Force
Local multiplayer is making a bit of a comeback right now, and Capsule Force is the latest to jump on the bandwagon. Inspired by the 16-bit glory days of old, this madcap anime-inspired four-player fun-a-thon sees you battling it out across eight different arenas in order to capture all-powerful orbs. For solo players, there’ll be an uber-challenging single player campaign as well.
PS4 | 2015

No indie list would be complete without a spot of survival horror. Grave is the latest in a long line of spooky titles, but has an intriguing premise which is sure to separate it from its immediate contemporaries. Y’see, the dark release sees you murdered and trapped inside a morbid mystery world. The only way to escape is to track down your killer.
PS4 | 2015

Gunship X
Everyone loved that AC-130 mission in Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare – the one where you rain hell from a remotely operated drone – so why not build an entire game around that very idea? Gunship X seems heavily inspired by Infinity Ward’s legendary objective, putting you behind the controls of an uber-powerful aircraft – and stomping Starship Troopers-esque bugs.
PS4, Vita | 2015

Fictional sports are one of this scribe’s favourite genres, so Gunsport has naturally shot straight to the top of Push Square’s make believe most anticipated league. Essentially volleyball with weapons, this title sees you using firepower to bounce a ball over a net, with goals adding an additional layer of scoring to the action. Divekick maker Iron Galaxy is helping dev Necrosoft out with the netcode.
PS4 | 2015

Henka Twist Caper
Who needs artists when you can make a game that doesn’t even really need a screen? A little like Johann Sebastian’s Joust before it, Henka Twist Caper uses the DualShock 4 or PlayStation Move wand as part of a frantic four-player physical party game, which requires you to steadily hold your controller in strange positions while your opponents attempt to make you move.
PS4 | 2015

Not to be confused with the grog glugging Santa Clause, Klaus is a puzzle platformer starring an imprisoned character with amnesia. The premise may not sound particularly original, but the developer’s promising an immersive experience that will see secrets about the story unveiled as you progress.
PS4 | 2015

Lost Orbit
You’ve heard of the shoot-‘em-up, but what of the dodge-‘em-up? Lost Orbit will take you on an intergalactic adventure in which you’ll need to face the perils of space head-on. Starring a lowly maintenance worker named Harrison in the lead role, you’ll need to upgrade your character, enabling you to dodge through the cosmos at the speed of sound.
PS4 | 2015

You all like Portal, don’t you? Relativity is a little like Valve’s puzzling property, in that it re-imagines the rules of the universe as we know them. For example, you’ll be able to tweak gravity so that you’re able to stand on walls – and even falling off the edge of a map will find you warping right back around. Throw in an Echochrome-esque art style, and you have the recipe for one whopping headache.
PS4 | 2015

Obnoxious name aside, ROCKETSROCKETSROCKETS – we assume that you’re supposed to bellow it like Brian Blessed – is described as a “face-melting” mix of figure skating and tag. Essentially, the title will see you trying to outwit other rockets in vibrant environments, all to the thumping backdrop of a techno soundtrack. Boom!
PS4 | 2015

The world needs more 1920s brawlers, so we’re happy that Speakeasy exists. A very simple title with an extremely original art style, this release augments you with one punch, one block, and one fake, and pits you against stylish opponents in ten second bouts. Different rules and modes promise to keep the gameplay feeling fresh – but it’s the visuals that appear to be the primary hook.
PS4 | 2014

Tinertia’s the kind of word that we’d dream up for a Push Square strap line, so we suppose that we can’t gripe about the God awful pun. A platformer starring a robot with a rocket pack, this physics-based affair with uber-tough level design promises to make you scream and shout like a and Britney Spears duet. Oh, that was a good one.
PS4 | 2015

The kind of game that gets our very own Kell Andersen hot under the collar, Wander is described as a non-combat MMO, which is in production at a small Australian studio in the outback. With no action or violence, this is a release all about exploration – but arguably its greatest feature is that it will allow you to play as a gigantic tree.
PS4 | 2015

We Are Doomed
We Are Doomed is the kind of thing that you’d expect to read on a billboard adjacent to the steps leading out of Oxford Circus, but it’s nowhere near as depressing as that in actual fact. This is essentially a bubble pop twin-stick shooter, which essentially sees you using a laser beam to off all manner of oversaturated enemies.
PS4, Vita | 2015

Any game inspired by the Millennium Bug is a title that we want to play, and indie role-playing adventure Y2K is exactly that. Boasting a 400 page script about 90s message boards and death cabs, this Haruki Murakami-inspired turn-based escapade seems both intriguing and ambitious in equal measures.
PS4, Vita | 2015

Phew, we’re finally up to date. Which of these upcoming titles are you most interested in? Are you still enjoying Sony’s prolific presence in the indie space? Wipe our brow in the comments section below.
Which of the following are you most looking forward to? (20 votes)
Aqua Kitty: Milk Mine Defender DX
Capsule Force
Gunship X
Henka Twist Caper
Lost Orbit
We Are Doomed